dinsdag 20 november 2007

Bill Nye, Restraining Order Guy

Bill Nye, television's Science Guy, requested a restraining order against his former fiancée, claiming she may have tried to poison him, legal papers show.

Nye sought the order Sept. 4 in a Los Angeles court seeking to keep Blair Tindal, 47, away from his Studio City home and forbid her from contacting him.

On Sept. 3 at 11:30 p.m., Tindal, who was dressed in black, "emerged from my backyard ... carrying two plastic bottles filled with some sort of solvent. Apparently she was trying to poison my plants including some vegetable(s)," say the documents. "She fled on foot and then a car sped away from the scene."

Nye, 52, also stated that Tindal had driven by his house twice in the previous three weeks. Nye also complained in an abuse report that Tindal "left a coffee pot on my porch" on Aug. 16.

Tindal filed a response Nov. 13 saying she didn't agree with the restraining order.

A lawyer for Tindal had no comment. A message for Nye's attorney went unreturned.

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