maandag 3 december 2007

Underwear fetish - Japanese man decorates street with womens panties

A man from Japan is being arrested for decorating his street with panties. He uses to walk in ladies underwear himself all the time. But it arouses him to shock other people with panties. Therefore he threw some of them on bycicles and doorhandles in his street. Because it is not illegal to have a fetish, the police charged him with littering. They confiscated 200 panties from his home and also some sex toys.

Furious dad chops off arm daughters boyfriend

Athene - 3 dec

A known to be violent man from Greece chopped off the arm of his daughters boyfriend after he found out his 14 year old daughter had gotten pregnant. When he heard the news he went after the 17 year old boyfriend and taped him to a chair. Then he cut off his arm with sword. The boy is in life danger. The man was earlier arrested for a violence crime.

Webcam in the Netherlands saves live at Aruba

An Aruban man who was chatting with a woman from Holland tried to commit suicide by taking pills. The Dutch woman saw this over her webcam and instantly called the police in her town. They contacted the Aruban police and told them about the unusual call. The police from the island got to action and went over to the man's house. They were just in time to take him to the hospital. If the woman hadn't called, the man would certainly have died according to the staff of the hospital.

Russian youths hate meddling of US government

Russian youth movement Nasji accuses yhe US geovernment of meddling. According to them the Americans are trying to get the Nasji to protest against the current authorities. Us believes the latest elections have been rigged. And now they are trying to investigate. But the American ambassy in Moscow says it's unthinkable for the US to meddle in Russian business.